In this Contos por Carta story, the Tooth Fairy is actually an elf named Gigik'achi, who lives in a distant village called Mudzi Nën Tokë. A Terrible Fire destroyed the entire village, and now Gigik'achi and his fellow elves need to rebuild it. To do so, they rely on the help of children from the Outside World: the teeth left under their pillows serve as magical bricks for the reconstruction. Instead of receiving money for each baby tooth, the child receives a personalized letter and a small gift straight from the village of Mudzi Nën Tokë! Each letter also includes two illustrated postcards.
Imagine the joy of a child finding a letter addressed to them from Gigik'achi under their pillow!
This Contos por Carta story promotes a message of kindness and generosity, showing how small gestures can make a big difference. It features beautiful illustrations by Portuguese artist Ana Luisa Pedro.
Story: Sofia Caessa Ferreira
Text: Sofia Caessa Ferreira
Illustrations: Ana Luisa Pedro
Gigik'achi, Tooth Elf Architect
Each package includes:
- 5 personalized letters with 2 illustrated postcards
- 4 gifts
- 1 cloth bag
- 1 Tooth Keepsake Box
- 1 Tooth Record Card
To personalize, please provide the child's name in the "Child's Name" section, so we can prepare this Contos por Carta specifically for them.